Pinewood Derby 2014 Results
Derby Winners
Derby Winners
As the Derby Coordinator, the winners in the Derby are the Scouts. It looked like a fantastic time, and all the Scouts Did Their Best. I was proud of every single scout and their cars, and they should be too.
Grand Final Winners
Grand Final Winners
Winners' cars will be on display all year in a case at Norm's Place, to be admired by all. Justin Walsh of Norm's Place has generously donated a free meal to the winners any time they come, for the entire year!
Design Awards
Design Awards
The judges did a fantastic job! They were:
- Roger Lind, VG 4th grade teacher emeritus, Scout Dad, Eagle Scout - Foreman
- Hon, Candace Anderson
- Justin Walsh, Owner Norm's Place
Scouting / Patriotic / Military
Racing / Cars / Sports
Funny / Creative
Under construction
Rank Awards
Den Awards
Track Statistics
See attachments for unformatted results