Pack Events
Vista Grande Carnival
Friends and families enjoy the Vista Grande Carnival and Specialty Basket Auction held every year on a Saturday in October. The PTA sponsors the event to raise funds for instructional materials.
Pack 805 scouts and parents run the lollipop booth. We need volunteers for set up, clean up and to run the booth throughout the day.
Trail Trekker Hikes
The Trail Trekkers Program offers a series of hikes which can be completed by Cub Scout age boys (from 6-11 years) and their families...The hikes are located throughout the Bay Area...One of the exciting aspects of the Trail Trekkers Program are the embroidered patches that can be awarded to all successful hikes after completing the requirements for each hike.
See's and Greens Fundraiser
The Greens and See's Candies fundraisers are the only two activities we do to raise money for our Pack. They are run simultaneously in the Fall of each year. "Greens" are winter holiday items like aromatic pine wreaths and flocked pinecone displays. They are great for the holidays. The See's Candies are the same high quality chocolates and candies you can find in their special stores and at the same prices.
Scouting for Food
The scouting for food program aids needy families via Bay Area Food Banks. The scots collect food and ensure it gets to the bank.
Dens are assigned to neighborhoods around Vista Grande. On the first Saturday, each den is responsible for dropping off plastic bags to each house in their assigned neighborhood. On the following Saturday, scouts return to their assigned neighborhood to pick up the bags filled with food and bring them to a central collection point.
Scouts must wear their uniform and be respectful of the homes and gardens of our neighbors. The plastic bags can be tied to doorknobs or gates. Printed on each bag are instructions for donors explaining the program.
Pinewood Derby
The Pinewood Derby is one of the highlights of each scouting year. Each scout designs, builds and decorates his own race car according to our Pack's specifications (see rules below). We encourage each scout to do as much of the work as possible but where power tools or sharp tools are involved, parental supervision is required.
The Derby is held on a Saturday in late January/early February. Cars are first raced against cars in the same cub rank (Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 4th, Webelos 5th). Then the top 3 finishers in each rank race in the grand finals. The top 3 finishers in each den, plus each rank, plus the top 3 finishers in the grand finals receive trophy prizes. There are trophy prizes for the top three design categories.
Blue and Gold Dinner
June Campout
The June Campout is the traditional end-of-school-year camp out. The whole family is invited.
Typically, families arrive at the local campground on Saturday afternoon to stake out territory and set up tents. Some dens like to group their tents together but that isn't necessary. There are informal games and general playtime until the BBQ dinner - the pack provides the food, you provide your own drinks. Then in the evening, we hold a full Pack Meeting and close out with s'mores and an American flag retirement service. On Sunday morning, the pack provides breakfast and we take a short hike. Then everyone is encouraged to clean up the campsite -- remember leave no trace!