Pack Meetings


The den should create a short, fun activity, game or relay race in which all scouts can participate. Keep it simple. You can have dens compete against each other. The activity should foster cooperation and teamwork.

Set Up/Opening/Closing/Clean Up

Set Up

Arrive early to set up seating, tables and other equipment.

Opening Ceremony

Full Flag Ceremony Description (.doc)

Cubmaster: Den X, please start the opening flag ceremony.


  1. Color Guard, attention. Would the audience please rise? Scouts, hand salute one.
  2. Color Guard, advance.
  3. Halt. Present the Colors.
  4. Would everyone please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance, to the flag...
  5. Scouts, hand salute two. Color Guard, post the Colors.
  6. Color Guard, reform.
  7. Color Guard, retreat.
  8. Audience may be seated.

Closing Ceremony/Retrieving the Colors

Cubmaster: Den X, please prepare for the closing flag ceremony.


  1. Color Guard, attention. Would the audience please rise?
  2. Color Guard, advance.
  3. Halt. Scouts, hand salute one.
  4. Color Guard, retrieve the Colors.
  5. Reform.
  6. Color Guard, retreat.
  7. Scouts, hand salute two.

Clean Up

Put away chairs, tables and benches. Pick up trash. Sweep the floor.

Den Report/Skit/Song

To entertain as well as to develop public speaking and performance skills, your den as a group will create and perform a short skit in front of the entire pack. Skits are usually humorous and can involve props and costumes. If your scouts have small voices, you might consider a group song.


Awards are an important part of scouting for they provide recognition and honor for a scout in front of his peers, parents and leaders. The audience should give proper respect and attention to the ceremony. Hold your hearty applause until the end of each group.

There are essentially two types of awards a Cub Scout can earn. When he completes his badge requirements, he advances to the next rank §. For example, Tigers advance to Bears. Rank advancement happens only once a year.

Scouts can also earn Academics and Sports Program § awards. These are the belt loops and pins which are awarded for individual accomplishments.